Your On-River Coach
Experienced, technically sound, high quality fly fishing guides and river adventures
Double Haul Fly Fishing offers anglers and visitors high quality guided fly fishing trips on the Kenai River. Our guides specialize in targeting rainbow trout, steelhead, and salmon on the Kenai River, Kasilof River, and other watersheds throughout the Kenai Peninsula.
Our professional Kenai River fly fishing guides are both top notch educators and seasoned anglers. We take pride in our work, striving every day to leave our clients better anglers than when they came. Though our specialty is in fly fishing, we also take care of anglers looking to use conventional fishing tackle as well.
Guided Fishing Trip Rates
Full Day Fishing Rate $400 per person/seat
3/4 (6hr) Day $300 per person/seat
Half Day Fishing Rate $250 per person/seat
Private Full Day Rate $1000 and includes 3 people
Maximum of 5 anglers for salmon fishing and 4 anglers max for trout
What Kenai River fish species do you want to fish for?
Rainbow Trout
The Kenai River is well know as one of the top Rainbow Trout fishing rivers in the World. It supports one of the healthiest and robust populations of wild Rainbow trout in the state of Alaska.
The world famous Kenai Peninsula also boasts some top shelf steelhead fly fishing as well. Let us show you a how high quality guided fishing should be.
Silver Salmon
Starting their run up the Kenai in Mid-August, Silver Salmon are one of our most favorite species to guide anglers to. Kenai River Silver Salmon are one of our most favorite species to fly fish for.
Sockeye Salmon
Starting in Mid-June, the world famous return of Sockeye Salmon begins to enter the Kenai River. Sockeye Salmon are noted as one of the best eating fish species found anywhere in the world.
Dolly Varden
Dolly Varden, a member of the Char family, is a fun species available during your Kenai River Guided Fly Fishing trip. Fly fishing for them is a dream of many anglers.
When do you want to fly fish the Kenai River?
Fishing In May
The summer in Alaska is arriving quickly. Anglers can expect long comfortable fishing days, before the tourism traffic hits full force. Some species that our Kenai River fly fishing guides target this time of year are:
Fishing In June
June marks the season opening for a few different river species. The days are long and the salmon are beginning to show up in force in the rivers. Fish species our Kenai River fly fishing guides target this time of year are:
Dolly Varden
Fishing In July
July is by far the busiest time of year on the Kenai Peninsula. The snow is nearly off the mountains, salmon are in the rivers, and the trout are feeding strong. Species we target during Kenai River fishing trips are:
Fishing In August
For sport anglers, August is a hard time to beat. The river traffic is beginning to slow, silver salmon are entering the river, and the trout can be as snappy as ever. Our Kenai River fishing guides target:
Rainbow Trout (Prime Time)
Dolly Varden (Prime Time)
Pink Salmon (Even Numbered Years)
Fishing In September
The nights are beginning to get crisp and fall is in the air. Trout are feeding heavy, and the silver salmon run is in full swing. Species our fishing guides target this time of year are:
Trout (Prime Time)
Steelhead (Prime Time)
Dolly Varden (Prime Time)
Silver Salmon (Prime Time)
Fishing In October
October is not always for the faint of heart. The temps can be near freezing in the evenings, as easily as it can be sunny and 60. Expect the unexpected weather wise but fishing can be outstanding. A few species you can catch when fly fishing the Kenai Peninsula in October are:
Trout (Prime Time)
Steelhead (Prime Time)
Dolly Varden
Silver Salmon (Prime Time)