Fishing The Kenai River In August
What species can I fish for during August on the Kenai River?
Rainbow Trout fishing on the Kenai River in August
August is one of the best times of year to experience trout fishing on the Kenai. There is plenty of food in the river, the weather is typically at its best, and the boat pressure on the river often lightens up a bit. Trout are scattered throughout the river system, either feeding behind spawning salmon, or devouring the remaining salmon carcasses floating down river.
Sockeye Salmon fishing in August
Anglers looking to catch sockeye salmon typically have a short window in August to find success. The run is often on the downswing at this point in the year, but successful days are possible during the very beginning of August. This run slows significantly as August moves on as the fish also begin to change into their spawning colors and become less edible.
Pink Salmon fishing in August
On even years, the pink salmon swarm the Kenai by the millions. Pink Salmon are not regarded as a particularly great table fare this far inland, but they sure are a lot of fun to catch. If you have kids, or just want to catch a lot of fish, chasing Pink Salmon will surely create lasting memories and temporarily sore arms.
Dolly Varden / Char fishing in August
Around the middle of August, the tributaries and smaller rivers of the Kenai Peninsula support actively spawning king salmon. These spawning salmon signal the dolly varden to feed, often resulting the most spectacular fishing found all year. You will find both dollies and resident rainbow trout right amongst the spawning salmon, gorging on the salmon eggs.
Frequently asked questions about fishing in August
What is the weather like in August?
August fishing on the Kenai River is filled typically filled with warmest weather of the year. Temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s are common. It’s important that anglers traveling to the Kenai in August pack in layers, and make sure they have good rain jacket handy just in case it decides to get wet outside.
What kind of river conditions do you see when fishing the Kenai River in August?
The river conditions on the Kenai River are fairly stable during the month of August. Unlike other rivers in the lower 48, the Kenai River is heavily reliant on melting snow, and glaciers to fill its banks. Therefore, as the temperatures rise throughout the summer, the Kenai’s water volume usually follows suit.
The important thing to understand that you will see other travelers and anglers when fishing the Kenai River in August. It is the considered peak season for tourism in Alaska, and travelers from around the world can be found fishing from the river banks throughout the month.
How do I book my fishing trip in August?
Book your trip early for the best chance at prime dates. Reserve your seat calling, texting, or shooting us an e-mail today. Lodging packages are available.
Double Haul tries to keep customer service at the forefront of our guided fishing trips and often will not immediately answer calls during guided days. Please feel free to text or email anytime, as that is often the most reliable way to get a hold of us quickly. We will respond to your calls ASAP. Keep in mind, we can always help you find a Kenai River fishing guide even if we are already booked.
Thanks so much. We look forward to showing you how a professionally guided fishing trip should be.
Rates for guided fishing in August?
1 or 2 Anglers
$500 Half Day Boat Rate
$600 3/4 Day Boat Rate
$700 Full Day Boat Rate
3 Anglers Private Boat
$1000 Full Day Boat Rate
$700 Half Day Private Rate