Success is earned through persistence here.
Bring your big kid pants.
Kenai River King Salmon Fly Fishing Trips
Easily the most challenging and technical freshwater salmon fishing there is. Patience, perseverance and concentration will be essential to success. We will help you get to good water, fish it hard, fish it well, and put you in the best position to have a shot at the legendary King Salmon of the Kenai Peninsula.
Chinook Salmon, commonly known as “Kings” are the largest and oldest salmonid in Alaska. Growing in the ocean for 5-6 years, and reach sizes of nearly 100 lbs., the King Salmon are the top dogs up here on the Kenai. Our guides are experts in their craft, and thrive off of the challenges these fish present during every Kenai River King Salmon trip. As a result, fishing with one of our an experienced salmon fishing guide will surely increase your odds at landing a Kenai King.
Our recommended Kenai River king salmon trips are typically 6-8 hours in length. We will determine your starting location a week prior to your trip date. All the rods, reels and tackle are provided.
King Salmon Fishing Quick Facts:
Season runs Late May through July 31st.
King Salmon range from 15-90 lbs.
Kings are typically between 2 & 5 years old.
We practice selective harvest.
Conventional Gear fishing is done with the use of boats.
The Kasilof River is drift boat only
Season closures may happen based on current salmon numbers
King fishing is nothing short of a hunt, success is not guaranteed.
Guided Private King Salmon Fly Fishing Rates
$800 – Full Day (up to two anglers) **Prior Spey Fishing Experience Recommended
Kenai River king salmon fly fishing seasons
The King Salmon fishing on the Kenai River is the reason our river is on the map. The giants swimming in the Kenai’s waters attract angler from around the world. Who could blame them – the Kenai produces fish reaching nearly 100 pounds. The sheer size and strength of these fish simply cannot be matched.
The early run of King Salmon start entering the Kenai River in Mid-May through late June. The second run is larger in numbers and average size, showing up throughout the month of July. The second run King Salmon on the Kenai River averages about 45,000 fish per season, and is by far the most popular.
Kenai River king salmon fly fishing techniques.
Most Kenai River king salmon fishing guides use conventional tackle and a technique called back-trolling. Cured salmon roe, plugs, and herring are all used in search of these giants. Your guide slowly and accurately maneuver a the boat downstream through likely king salmon holding areas. Back-trolling is by far the most effective method of hooking a king salmon on the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers. Your Kenai River king salmon fishing guide will determine the most effective type of fishing and will adjust accordingly.
For more experienced anglers looking for a challenge, there are times of the year when casting from the bank, or boat with spinning and bait casting gear can be quite successful. Feeling the raw power of these fish from the bank will make many anglers a little weak in the knees. Often we utilize various types of presentations including swinging spoons, side drifting, and jigging.
What to expect during your guided king salmon fly fishing trip.
King Salmon fly fishing gear
It is very important that anglers utilize gear that is large and heavy enough to be able to effectively and ethically land some of the large kings salmon of the Kenai River. Our kings here on the Kenai River average about 20 - 40 lbs, with some of the largest fish pushing 90lbs.
Fish this size really require specialized, heavy gear to have a shot to bring these fish to the bank. We recommend a fast and stout spey rod in the range of 9 -11 weights. Due to the size of the flies and sink tip required to get in front of these fish, we absolutely recommend that anglers with little experience reach out to a two handed casting instructor near their home, to dial in their techniques before spending time on the water up here.
These efforts will aid in reducing the time needed to learn how to effectively present these flies at the distances needed to effectively fish for these river monsters.
Spey fishing for king salmon
For two-handed anglers, the best spey fishing on the Kenai is found during June and July. Depending on the water conditions, the areas we fish will absolutely require wading proficiency.
On a regular basis our guides are utilizing sink tips u to 15 ft in length and weights up to T-20. These tips combined with heavily weighted flies are necessary to get down in front of our King Salmon. We cannot emphasize enough the need for casting proficiency in order to increase an angler odds at landing the fish of their dreams.
Other conventional techniques
King salmon on the Kenai River can also be landed on heavy conventional tackle, such as swinging spoons and side-drifting. These alternative methods are still incredibly fun to use, and are sometimes necessary in less than prime water conditions.
During your guided King Salmon fishing trips, your guide will have all the tackle necessary to have a successful day on the water. Being flexible with your expectations and goals is always recommended as we will often do whatever it takes to put you in position for a successful day on the water. Conventional gear is sometimes seen as “less technical” than fishing with fly gear. While it may take less time to learn to cast these alternative methods, effectively fishing them is anything but easy. Our professional King Salmon fishing guides will be sure to coach you through whatever situation you are presented during your trip dates.