Fishing The Kenai River In September
What species can I fish for during September on the Kenai River?
Kenai River Rainbow Trout fishing in September
September is considered to be the most prime month to target rainbow trout on the Kenai River. Pink salmon, king salmon, and sockeye salmon all begin to actively spawn, and the trout take advantage of it. Our Kenai guides know where to be, and what to throw to take advantage of this phenomenal month. Anglers should expect to be fishing with beads , flesh flies, and leech patterns.
Silver Salmon fishing in September
September is one of the best and most consistent months of the year to find silver salmon. Even though the water level can vary, the fishing is typically steady. Anglers can expect to fish using various techniques including backtrolling, casting spinners, and of course, stripping streamers with fly rods. Silver salmon this time of year can weigh anywhere from 10-18 pounds in size, and are incredibly fun to catch.
Pink Salmon fishing in September
Steelhead fishing begins to heat up during September. There are numerous rivers on the Kenai Peninsula that we operate our guided steelhead fishing trips on. Some of the waters are smaller and more intimate, and others are larger and best fished out of a boat. Fishing will take place anywhere the conditions tell us to go. Flexibility and mobility are important to finding success chasing steelhead on the Kenai Peninsula.
Frequently asked questions about fishing in September
What is the weather like in September?
During September, the weather on the Kenai Peninsula is often quite variable. Fall temps are most certainly beginning to take hold, and the days are growing shorter. Angler traveling to fish the Kenai river in September should plan for all conditions. Rain, snow, wind, or sun are all possible daily conditions, sometimes all occurring in the same 24 hour period.
What kind of river conditions do you see in September?
Throughout September the water levels are variable depending on the rain accumulation throughout the month. Regardless of the conditions though, the Kenai river always provides some amount of fishable water. The large lakes in this watershed absorb a lot of the sediment, and leaves a portion of the river downstream of the lakes constantly fishable throughout the year.
How do I book my guided fishing trip in September?
Book your trip early for the best chance at prime dates. Reserve your seat calling, texting, or shooting us an e-mail today. Lodging packages are available.
Double Haul tries to keep customer service at the forefront of our guided fishing trips and often will not immediately answer calls during guided days. Please feel free to text or email anytime, as that is often the most reliable way to get a hold of us quickly. We will respond to your calls ASAP. Keep in mind, we can always help you find a Kenai River fishing guide even if we are already booked.
Thanks so much. We look forward to showing you how a professionally guided fishing trip should be.
Rates For Guided Fishing In September?
1 or 2 Anglers
$500 Half Day Boat Rate
$700 Full Day Boat Rate
3 Anglers Private Boat
$1000 Full Day Boat Rate
$700 Half Day Private Rate